It is important for all courts to have video recordings of all hearings because it promotes transparency, accountability, and fairness within the judicial system. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Transparency: Video recordings of court hearings provide a clear and accurate record of what was said and done in court. This can help ensure that there is no confusion or misinterpretation of events. It also allows the public to observe court proceedings and see how justice is being administered.

  2. Accountability: Video recordings can be used to hold judges, lawyers, and other court personnel accountable for their actions. If there are allegations of misconduct or wrongdoing, the recordings can be reviewed to determine what happened and who is responsible.

  3. Fairness: Video recordings can help ensure that all parties are treated fairly and that no one is unfairly disadvantaged or advantaged. For example, if a defendant claims that they were treated unfairly during a hearing, the recording can be reviewed to determine whether this is true.

  4. Efficiency: Video recordings can save time and resources by reducing the need for transcripts and making it easier to review past hearings. They can also be used to train new judges and lawyers.

  5. Appeals: Video recordings can be used as evidence in appeals or other legal proceedings. This can help ensure that appeals are based on accurate and complete information.

Overall, video recordings of court hearings are an essential tool for ensuring that the judicial system is transparent, accountable, and fair. They can help increase public trust in the justice system and ensure that justice is being served in a consistent and impartial manner.