It is important for a judicial disciplinary body to commit to 100% transparency because it promotes accountability, integrity, and public trust in the judicial system. A judicial disciplinary body is responsible for investigating and disciplining judges who engage in misconduct or violate ethical rules. Here are some reasons why transparency is important for a judicial disciplinary body:

  1. Accountability: Transparency ensures that the actions of the disciplinary body are subject to scrutiny and review by the public, legal professionals, and other stakeholders. This promotes accountability and ensures that the disciplinary body is held to a high standard of professional conduct.

  2. Public Confidence: Transparency helps to maintain public confidence in the judicial system by demonstrating that the disciplinary body is fair, impartial, and transparent in its decision-making process. This can help to build trust between the judiciary and the public.

  3. Fairness: Transparency promotes fairness by ensuring that judges are treated equally and that the disciplinary process is not biased or influenced by outside factors. This can help to ensure that judges are disciplined fairly and that the disciplinary process is not abused for political or other improper reasons.

  4. Learning Opportunities: Transparency can also provide learning opportunities for judges and legal professionals. By making disciplinary decisions and reasoning public, judges can learn from the mistakes of others and improve their own professional conduct.

  5. Rule of Law: Transparency is a fundamental principle of the rule of law. The rule of law requires that legal decisions and actions are transparent and subject to review by the public. By committing to 100% transparency, the disciplinary body can uphold the rule of law and ensure that its actions are consistent with this principle.

Overall, commitment to 100% transparency is important for a judicial disciplinary body because it promotes accountability, public confidence, fairness, learning opportunities, and the rule of law. By making its actions and decisions transparent, the disciplinary body can ensure that judges are disciplined fairly and that the public can trust in the integrity of the judicial system.

Eliminate all 'private' admonishments.