Multiple times Kern County Family Court Division D Judge Marquez ignored all of the improper filings from the other party in my case. Judge Marquez has exhibited an unmatched level of sexism and neglect. Not one time that a claim has been made, has Judge Marquez listened to my side of the story or done due diligence. Judge Marquez took my daughters after I had filed for more time and the spiteful opposing party weaponized the emergency order filing to get what she wanted with Judge Marquez's help. I have never been arrested or in legal trouble, I have maintained a high level job for over 4 years, I own a home, I raised the other parties son until divorce, I pay all my child support, I have done 100% of the driving for 4 years which totals over 700 miles every other weekend. With no evidence, Judge Marquez moved the court date I had requested asking for a holiday schedule and fair transportation responsibilities, to hear the other parties unwarranted claims.