On October 10th 2022 at approximately 10:30am in the Williamson County Court House room IV-D I experienced the most gut wrenching and appalling behavior from a judge someone I thought was supposed to uphold the law. I had my first experience of gender bias with the judge being biased towards the mother. I was blamed for the lack of/no relationship between the child and her father. I tried to tell the judge the best I could that the father never cared to keep a relationship with the child and used the child, had no relationship with the child from birth and left after I called the police for the last domestic disturbance that happened when the child was 7 months old. Despite me trying to explain this it was brushed off and the father obtained phone calls twice a week in which he continues to use as a form of control over my time. Secondly the father is not fit in anyway to parent as he is on his 3rd DWI two of them being in Texas in the last 2 years and one of them being out of state where he has a warrant for his arrest but the judge believes that this type of behavior still warrants him as a stable and fit father. Lastly where I experienced the most absurd behavior from the judge is when she granted the father a lower than 20% of his income in child support because the father claimed he couldn’t afford it due to other bills meanwhile the child lives with me full time and has had no type of visitation with the father and the father has no expenses of the child and as the mother I am supposed to foot more than 90% of the child’s expenses disregarding any bills I might have for the child. I strongly believe this judge is biased towards mothers and has a dangerous view of a child deserves both parents even if one of the parents is unsafe and untrustworthy.