Lake Court

My name is Dr Edriss Estime, MD.
I've never been arrested and have never been in trouble with the law. I am a 49 year successful black medical doctor who worked my way to success against all odds.

I came to this country at the age of 21. I worked hard and kept my nose clean and helped thousands of people and employed dozens of people.
Somehow, on 11/06, I found myself in jail for the first time in my life because judge Welke felt like it.

Perhaps it was easy for Judge Welke to send me to jail because I resemble so much the majority of the people judges send to jail.

It's important that everyone knows that the justice system is rigged and judges have way too much power to ruin anyone's life. I was suicidal and if I carried out my thoughts, Judge Brian Jerome Welke would still wake up every morning and decide of the fate of everyone who comes to his path.