From 09/26/23, when the petitioner first filed, until present day, Judge Craig C. Dethomasis has presided over this ongoing case (Preston v. Hales) in Levy County Florida and has continuously showed extreme bias and an unwillingness to remain impartial or control his temper. He has unlawfully acted as lawyer and Judge in these proceedings by improperly giving legal advice to the per se plaintiff (Preston). He continuously and relentlessly berates the defenses counsel to the point that he has wasted several hearings on this apparent grudge and it has hindered his ability to move forward. He also decided that the defenses new counsel is somehow responsible for the actions of the previous counsel, who is no longer on the case. He has unlawfully taken away the Defendant's first and second amendment rights, as well as access to his own property. This case is going onto its seventh month before this Judge and he has yet to actually hear the facts of the case, despite making decisions already to hinder the rights of the Defendant. He continues to waste the valuable time and resources of the Court and of the litigants by using these hearings to repeatedly lecture the defense counsel on his disapproval of them over the same issue that is completely irrelevant to the case. The defense is now filing its third motion for Judge Dethomasis to recuse himself after being denied on the first two attempts, where the Judge admitted to the facts of the complaint but still found himself to be in compliance with the law. He even showed his extreme bias in his answer to the motion by using it to continue his berating of the defense counsel. It's also important to note that this Judge has a reputation of being bias and playing favorites, especially with attorneys and officials that he has connections to. He has a direct connection with the plaintiff's counsel in this case, in that he used to be law partners with this attorney. He has a history of ignoring this conflict of interest, so much so that he even presided over this attorney's (his former law partners) personal divorce proceedings. Judge Dethomasis has demonstrated on numerous occasions that he is incapable of remaining impartial and has abused his authority. He should be immediately investigated and ultimately removed from the bench altogether.
All evidence is on "What the Hale$" YouTube channel, where you will find a full record of the hearings and deposition from the Court on this case. Copies of transcripts, motions, and answers have also been made public through the Defendant, Jeremy Hales.